Sunday 26 December 2021

Brexit: the complete works so far - Shakespeare, Beckett, Sherlock Holmes, The Crown etc

 Happy Christmas! Shakespeare, Beckett, Conan Doyle, Netflix - what the immortals of literature have written so far about Brexit plus secret recordings that reveal the inside story of the UK's departure. All on this blog:

Samuel Beckett's lost masterpiece Waiting for the German carmakers. World exclusive excerpt

Shakespeare's lost masterpiece: MacBoris. A Tragedy (for the UK). World exclusive excerpt

The lost Sherlock Holmes story: The Mystery of the Level Playing Field. World exclusive

World exclusive sneak preview of Series 12 of The Crown - Boris Johnson's 115th Dream

Plus three world exclusive secret recordings:

Inside DUP headquarters. How they decided to back Brexit and destroy the Union

Inside Leave Campaign headquarters before the referendum

And the Johnson-Macron phone call that sealed Johnson's Brexit 'deal'

Collect the set!